Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Skiing in Krvavec
We were skiing in Krvavec last week.
Here are some pictures...
Krvavec – Slovenia`s best Ski Resort is the closest Ski Resort to an international airport (Ljubljana – Brnik, 8km) in Europe. The Ski Resort has 30km of well-maintained ski runs 1,450m – 1,971m above sea level, providing excellent conditions for skiing on natural and artificial snow. Due to the centre's favourable location, the skiing season usually starts as early as the end of November and may last over 150 days until early May. The ski runs are varied and ideal for both recreational and professional skiers. The rich additional package includes a Ski School, rental and service of ski equipment, a polygon for beginners and a children’s playground, and thus attracts and delights beginners. A huge attraction at the Krvavec Ski Resort is the snow Hotel, the so-called Igloo Village. The pleasant atmosphere, the food and beverage offer and numerous parties will enchant you and may ensure that you come back.
Here are some pictures...
Krvavec – Slovenia`s best Ski Resort is the closest Ski Resort to an international airport (Ljubljana – Brnik, 8km) in Europe. The Ski Resort has 30km of well-maintained ski runs 1,450m – 1,971m above sea level, providing excellent conditions for skiing on natural and artificial snow. Due to the centre's favourable location, the skiing season usually starts as early as the end of November and may last over 150 days until early May. The ski runs are varied and ideal for both recreational and professional skiers. The rich additional package includes a Ski School, rental and service of ski equipment, a polygon for beginners and a children’s playground, and thus attracts and delights beginners. A huge attraction at the Krvavec Ski Resort is the snow Hotel, the so-called Igloo Village. The pleasant atmosphere, the food and beverage offer and numerous parties will enchant you and may ensure that you come back.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Običaj izhaja iz pradavnine, ko so naši predniki verovali, da bodo na ta način pregnali zimo in priklicali pomlad.
Beseda pust izhaja iz besedne zveze "meso pust", torej iz časa posta. Verjetno gre za izraz identičen italijanskemu "carne leva", kar prav tako pomeni pusti meso. Iz tega je tudi nastala beseda carnebale oziroma slovensko karneval - se pravi pustno rajanje.
Pust je lahko pustni čas, to je čas med novim letom in pepelnično sredo. Drugi pomen besede pust je izraz za maškaro ali masko, ki jo na pustni torek ponekod simbolično obsodijo na smrt in tako preženejo zimo in prikličejo pomlad.
Pustno praznovanje se pri nas ponavadi prične na pustno soboto. Takrat po mnogih slovenskih mestih priredijo velike pustne povorke in druga praznovanja. Otroci, pa tudi odrasli se našemijo v maske ali maškare. Tako hodijo od hiše do hiše in prosijo za kakšen krof ali denar.
Tipična slovenska šema pa je kurent, ki prihaja iz Ptuja. Kot splošna beseda ima kurent pomen pustna šema v kožuhu, z zvonci okrog pasu in posebnim pokrivalom, znana v vzhodni Sloveniji. Z nenehim skakanjem povzročajo z zvonci hud hrup in s tem po izročilu odganjajo zimo.